You are looking into filing bankruptcy and want to know if your Metlife / Hyatt legal plan can be used to cover the attorney fee. Some attorneys may take this plan, but it may be important to ask them specifically.
Does Metlife Legal Plan Cover Bankruptcy?
Yes, Metlife does cover personal bankruptcy. You can find that information both here and here. It’s under the Money Matters section, labeled “Personal Bankruptcy”.
These products appear to be fully covered according to MetLife’s website, which means that all the attorney services related to the covered matter are paid for by the legal plan when you use a network attorney.
Do All Bankruptcy Attorneys accept Metlife Plan?
No, not all bankruptcy attorneys accept a Metlife Legal Plan, but many attorneys do take the plan. Use our free Ascend Metlife network below of bankruptcy attorneys that accept MetLife Plans.
Access Ascend’s Metlife Bankruptcy Attorney Network
Ascend has spent years building one of the first reputable nationwide attorney networks with an average Google rating of 4.9 based on 4272 reviews and many of those bankruptcy attorneys:
- Take a Metlife plan
- Provide free initial consultations.
If you would like to get paired with a local bankruptcy attorney that takes Metlife and serves your county, please feel free to fill out the form below.
Please note that MetLife often may pay the bankruptcy attorney a discounted attorney fee rate, so perhaps not all bankruptcy attorneys take the plan. Many bankruptcy attorneys may appreciate that they do not have to go out and search for bankruptcy leads though, so that can offset some of the payment amounts.
How Does the Process Work?
MetLife/Hyatt members can find a bankruptcy attorney in the network by using the app. You may be able to find the bankruptcy attorney by searching on their website after logging in.
You can also find the native application on Google Play or Apple iOS store.
- Here’s the link to the MetLife Legal App on Google Play
- Here’s the link to the MetLife Legal App on Apple iOS Store
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